How many times have you brought a new product or service into your pharmacy, only to have it sit on the shelf? At ATRIUM24, we hear it all the time from our network of pharmacy owners. We’re even guilty of it here at Palm Harbor Pharmacy. We’ll see the...
Norman Rockwell’s iconic 1939 painting, “The Pharmacist,” looks old-fashioned in just about every sense. From the clothes on the subjects to the antiquated jars clogging the pharmacist’s workspace, it’s clear that it is representative of a time gone by. As a team of...
In social media, as it is with most things digital marketing, content is king. In fact, the words a company uses on its website and even in its social media posts can contribute to where the page appears within search rankings. Optimizing that content for certain...
By now, there’s a good chance you’re one of the 1.73 billion people considered “daily active users” on Facebook. Your pharmacy might even be one of the 90 million small businesses that use Facebook to communicate with customers and promote their offerings. But we...
Leveraging Local Providers to Build Your Business By Dr. Nicolette Mathey From next-generation genetic sequencing to immunotherapy and telehealth, the focal areas in Deloitte’s list of top 10 health care innovations are all across the board. While the subject matter...